Module for creating submission files for |MOT|_ based datasets.
For more information, visit the `submission instructions <https://motchallenge.net/instructions/>`_.
The structure of the submission files is similar to the structures of the inputs,
where each line contains one annotated bounding-box::
``<frame>, <id>, <bb_left>, <bb_top>, <bb_width>, <bb_height>, <conf>, <x>, <y>, <z>``
During loading, the ``<id>`` seems to be the person-ID,
while for submissions it is the predicted track-ID or the predicted person-ID.
import torchvision.tv_tensors as tvte
from torchvision.transforms.v2.functional import convert_bounding_box_format
from dgs.models.dataset.MOT import write_MOT_file
from dgs.models.submission.submission import SubmissionFile
from dgs.utils.config import DEF_VAL
from dgs.utils.exceptions import InvalidPathException
from dgs.utils.state import State
from dgs.utils.types import Config, NodePath, Validations
mot_submission_validations: Validations = {
# optional
"bbox_decimals": ["optional", int, ("gte", 0)],
"score_decimals": ["optional", int, ("gte", 0)],
class MOTSubmission(SubmissionFile):
"""Class for creating and appending to a |MOT|_ -style submission file.
Optional Params
bbox_decimals (int, optional):
The number of decimals to save for the bbox coordinates.
Default ``DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["bbox_decimals"]``.
score_decimals (int, optional):
The number of decimals to save for the score value.
Is only used if the score is present and ``score >= 0``.
Default ``DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["score_decimals"]``.
data: list[tuple[any, ...]]
"""A list containing the values as tuple, like:
``tuple(<frame>, <id>, <bb_left>, <bb_top>, <bb_width>, <bb_height>, <conf>, <x>, <y>, <z>)``
frame_id: int
def __init__(self, config: Config, path: NodePath) -> None:
super().__init__(config=config, path=path)
# reset data
self.bbox_decimals: int = int(self.params.get("bbox_decimals", DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["bbox_decimals"]))
self.score_decimals: int = int(
self.params.get("score_decimals", DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["score_decimals"])
def append(self, s: State, *_args, **_kwargs) -> None:
"""Given a new state containing the detections of one image, append the data to the submission file."""
def _get_bbox_value(_s: State, idx: int) -> str:
"""Given the state, get the value of the bbox at index ``[0, idx]`` as a string,
with the requested number of decimals."""
val = _s.bbox[0, idx].round(decimals=self.bbox_decimals).item()
if self.bbox_decimals == 0:
return str(int(val))
return f"{val:.{self.bbox_decimals}f}"
if "pred_tid" not in s and s.B != 0:
raise ValueError("The predicted track-ID should be set.")
# convert bbox format to receive the height and width more easily later on
if s.bbox.format != tvte.BoundingBoxFormat.XYWH:
s.bbox = convert_bounding_box_format(s.bbox, new_format=tvte.BoundingBoxFormat.XYWH)
assert s.bbox.format == tvte.BoundingBoxFormat.XYWH, f"got format: {s.bbox.format}"
if s.B != 0:
detections = s.split()
for det in detections:
tid = det["pred_tid"].item() + 1 # MOT is 1-indexed, but State is 0-indexed
if "score" in det:
score = round(float(det["score"].item()), self.score_decimals)
conf = f"{score:.{self.score_decimals}f}"
conf = str(1)
x = det["x"] if "x" in det else -1
y = det["y"] if "y" in det else -1
z = det["z"] if "z" in det else -1
self.frame_id, # <frame>
tid, # <track_id>
_get_bbox_value(det, 0), # X = <bb_left>
_get_bbox_value(det, 1), # Y = <bb_top>
_get_bbox_value(det, 2), # W = <bb_width>
_get_bbox_value(det, 3), # H = <bb_height>
conf, # <conf>
x, # <x>
y, # <y>
z, # <z>
self.frame_id += 1
def save(self) -> None:
"""Save the current data to the given filepath."""
# MOT / detection file
assert len(self.data) > 0, "No data to save"
write_MOT_file(fp=self.fp, data=self.data)
except TypeError as te:
self.logger.exception(f"data: {self.data}")
raise TypeError from te
except InvalidPathException as ipe:
self.logger.exception(f"fp: {self.fp}")
raise InvalidPathException from ipe
def clear(self) -> None:
"""Clear the data."""
self.data = []
self.frame_id = 1