Modules for computing the similarity between two poses.
import torch as t
from torchvision.ops import box_area, box_iou
from torchvision.transforms.v2 import ConvertBoundingBoxFormat
from torchvision.tv_tensors import BoundingBoxes, BoundingBoxFormat
from dgs.models.similarity.similarity import SimilarityModule
from dgs.utils.config import DEF_VAL
from dgs.utils.constants import OKS_SIGMAS
from dgs.utils.state import State
from dgs.utils.types import Config, NodePath, Validations
oks_validations: Validations = {
"format": [str, ("in", list(OKS_SIGMAS.keys()))],
# optional
"keypoint_dim": ["optional", int, ("within", (1, 3))],
iou_validations: Validations = {}
class ObjectKeypointSimilarity(SimilarityModule):
"""Compute the object key-point similarity (OKS) between two batches of poses / States.
format (str):
The key point format, e.g., 'coco', 'coco-whole', ... has to be in OKS_SIGMAS.keys().
Optional Params
keypoint_dim (int, optional):
The dimensionality of the key points. So whether 2D or 3D is expected.
Default ``DEF_VAL.similarity.oks.kp_dim``.
def __init__(self, config: Config, path: NodePath):
super().__init__(config, path)
# get sigma
sigma: t.Tensor = OKS_SIGMAS[self.params["format"]].to(device=self.device, dtype=self.precision)
# With k = 2 * sigma -> shape [J]
# We know that k is constant and k^2 is only ever required. Therefore, save it as parameter / buffer.
self.register_buffer("k2", t.square(t.mul(2, sigma)))
# Create a small value for epsilon to make sure that we do not divide by zero later on.
self.register_buffer("eps", t.tensor(t.finfo(self.precision).eps, device=self.device, dtype=self.precision))
# Set up a transform function to convert the bounding boxes if they have the wrong format
self.transf_bbox_to_xyxy = ConvertBoundingBoxFormat("XYXY")
self.kp_dim: int = self.params.get("keypoint_dim", DEF_VAL["similarity"]["oks"]["kp_dim"])
def get_data(self, ds: State) -> t.Tensor:
"""Given a :class:`State`, compute the detected / predicted key points with shape ``[B1 x J x 2|3]``
and the areas of the respective ground-truth bounding-boxes with shape ``[B1]``.
return ds.keypoints.float().view(ds.B, -1, self.kp_dim)
def get_area(self, ds: State) -> t.Tensor:
"""Given a :class:`State`, compute the area of the bounding box."""
bboxes = ds.bbox
if bboxes.format == BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY:
area = box_area(bboxes).float() # (x2-x1) * (y2-y1)
elif bboxes.format == BoundingBoxFormat.XYWH:
area = bboxes[:, -2] * bboxes[:, -1] # w * h
bboxes = self.transf_bbox_to_xyxy(bboxes)
area = box_area(bboxes).float()
return area
def get_target(self, ds: State) -> tuple[t.Tensor, t.Tensor]:
"""Given a :class:`State` obtain the ground truth key points and the key-point-visibility.
Both are tensors, the key points are a FloatTensor of shape ``[B2 x J x 2|3]``
and the visibility is a BoolTensor of shape ``[B2 x J]``.
kps = ds.keypoints.float().view(ds.B, -1, self.kp_dim)
vis = ds.cast_joint_weight(dtype=t.bool).squeeze(-1).view(ds.B, -1)
return kps, vis
def forward(self, data: State, target: State) -> t.Tensor:
r"""Compute the object key-point similarity between a ground truth label and detected key points.
There has to be one key point of the label for any detection. (Batch sizes have to match)
Compute the key-point similarity :math:`\mathtt{ks}_i` for every joint between every detection and the
respective ground truth annotation.
.. math::
\mathtt{ks}_i = \exp(-\dfrac{d_i^2}{2s^2k_i^2})
The key-point similarity :math:`\mathtt{OKS}` is then computed as the weighted sum
using the key-point visibilities as weights.
.. math::
\mathtt{OKS} = \dfrac{\sum_i \mathtt{ks}_i \cdot \delta (v_i > 0)}{\sum_i \delta (v_i > 0)}
* :math:`d_i` the euclidean distance between the ground truth and detected key point
* :math:`k_i` the constant for the key point, computed as :math:`k=2\cdot\sigma`
* :math:`v_i` the visibility of the key point, with
* 0 = unlabeled
* 1 = labeled but not visible
* 2 = labeled but visible
* :math:`s` the scale of the ground truth object, with :math:`s^2` becoming the object's segmented area
data: A :class:`State` object containing at least the key points and the bounding box. Shape ``N``.
target: A :class:`State` containing at least the target key points. Shape ``T``.
A (Float)Tensor of shape ``[N x T]`` with values in ``[0..1]``.
If requested, the softmax is computed along the -1 dimension,
resulting in probability distributions for each value of the input data.
# get predicted key-points as [N x J x 2] and bbox area as [N]
pred_kps = self.get_data(ds=data)
bbox_area = self.get_area(ds=data)
# get ground-truth key-points as [T x J x 2] and visibility as [T x J]
gt_kps, gt_vis = self.get_target(ds=target)
assert pred_kps.size(-1) == gt_kps.size(-1), "Key-points should have the same number of dimensions"
# Compute d = Euclidean dist, but don't compute the sqrt, because only d^2 is required.
# A little tensor magic, because if N != T and N != 1 and T != 1, regular subtraction will fail!
# Therefore, modify the tensors to have shape [N x J x 2 x 1], [(1 x) J x 2 x T].
# The output has shape [N x J x 2 x T], then square and sum over the number of dimensions (-2).
d2 = t.sum(
t.sub(pred_kps.unsqueeze(-1), gt_kps.permute(1, 2, 0)).square(),
) # -> [N x J x T]
# Ground truth scale as bounding box area in relation to the image area it lies within.
# Keep area s^2, because s is never used.
s2 = bbox_area.flatten() # [N]
# Keypoint similarity for every key-point pair of ground truth and detected.
# Use outer product to combine s^2 [N] with k^2 [J] and add epsilon to make sure to have non-zero values.
# Again, modify the tensor shapes to match for division.
# Shapes: d2 [N x J x T], new_outer [N x J x 1]
ks = t.exp(-t.div(d2, (2 * t.outer(s2, self.k2) + self.eps).unsqueeze(-1))) # -> [N x J x T]
# The count of non-zero visibilities in the ground-truth
count = t.count_nonzero(gt_vis, dim=-1) # [T]
# with ks [N x J x T], sum over all J and divide by the nof visibilities
return self.softmax(t.div(t.where(gt_vis.T, ks, 0).sum(dim=-2), count).nan_to_num_(nan=0.0, posinf=0.0))
class IntersectionOverUnion(SimilarityModule):
"""Use the bounding-box based intersection-over-union as a similarity metric.
def __init__(self, config: Config, path: NodePath):
super().__init__(config, path)
self.bbox_transform = ConvertBoundingBoxFormat("XYXY")
def get_data(self, ds: State) -> BoundingBoxes:
"""Given a :class:`State` obtain the ground-truth bounding-boxes as
:class:`torchvision.tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes` object of size ``[N x 4]``.
The box_iou function expects that the bounding boxes are in the 'XYXY' format.
bboxes = ds.bbox
if bboxes.format != BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY:
bboxes = self.bbox_transform(bboxes)
return bboxes
def get_target(self, ds: State) -> BoundingBoxes:
"""Given a :class:`State` obtain the ground-truth bounding-boxes as
:class:`torchvision.tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes` object of size ``[T x 4]``.
The function :func:`box_iou` expects that the bounding boxes are in the 'XYXY' format.
bboxes = ds.bbox
if bboxes.format != BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY:
bboxes = self.bbox_transform(bboxes)
return bboxes
def forward(self, data: State, target: State) -> t.Tensor:
"""Given two states containing bounding-boxes, compute the intersection over union between each pair.
data: A :class:`State` object containing the detected bounding-boxes. Size ``N``
target: A :class:`State` object containing the target bounding-boxes. Size ``T``
A (Float)Tensor of shape ``[N x T]`` with values in ``[0..1]``.
If requested, the softmax is computed along the -1 dimension,
resulting in probability distributions for each value of the input data.
return self.softmax(box_iou(self.get_data(ds=data), self.get_target(ds=target)))