Use a model out of the torchreid package as an embedding generator.
import logging
import warnings
import torch as t
from torch import nn
from dgs.models.embedding_generator.embedding_generator import EmbeddingGeneratorModule
from dgs.utils.config import DEF_VAL, get_sub_config, insert_into_config
from dgs.utils.exceptions import InvalidPathException
from dgs.utils.files import to_abspath
from dgs.utils.state import State
from dgs.utils.torchtools import configure_torch_module, load_pretrained_weights
from dgs.utils.types import Config
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# ignore cython warning
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Cython evaluation.*is unavailable", category=UserWarning)
# If torchreid is installed using `./dependencies/torchreid`
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from torchreid.models import __model_factory as torchreid_models, build_model
except ModuleNotFoundError:
# if torchreid is installed using `pip install torchreid`
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from torchreid.reid.models import __model_factory as torchreid_models, build_model
torchreid_validations: Config = {
"model_name": [str, ("in", torchreid_models.keys())],
# optional
"weights": [
[("eq", "pretrained"), "file exists", "file exists in project", ("file exists in folder", "./weights/")],
"image_key": ["optional", str],
class TorchreidEmbeddingGenerator(EmbeddingGeneratorModule):
"""Given image crops, generate embedding using the torchreid package.
The model can use the default pretrained weights or custom weights.
This model will be set to evaluate only right now!
Pretrain your models using the |torchreid| package and possibly the custom PT21 data loaders,
then load the weights.
The classifier is not required for embedding generation.
Setting the parameter ``embedding_size`` does not change this module's output.
Torchreid does not support custom embedding sizes.
Module Name
model_name (str):
The name of the torchreid model used.
Has to be one of ``~torchreid.models.__model_factory.keys()``.
Optional Params
weights (Union[str, FilePath], optional):
A path to the model weights or the string 'pretrained' for the default pretrained torchreid model.
Default ``DEF_VAL.embed_gen.torchreid.weights``.
image_key (str, optional):
The key of the image to use when generating the embedding.
Default ``DEF_VAL.embed_gen.torchreid.image_key``.
Important Inherited Params
nof_classes (int):
The number of classes in the dataset.
Used during training to predict the class-id.
For most of the pretrained torchreid models, this ist set to ``1_000``.
model: nn.Module
def __init__(self, config, path):
if path is None:
raise InvalidPathException("path is required but got None")
sub_cfg = get_sub_config(config, path)
if "embedding_size" in sub_cfg and sub_cfg["embedding_size"] != 512:
"The embedding size will be overwritten in torchreid embedding generators, "
"because torchreid does not support different sizes."
new_cfg = insert_into_config(path=path, value={"embedding_size": 512}, original=config)
del config
EmbeddingGeneratorModule.__init__(self, config=new_cfg, path=path)
self.model_weights = self.params.get("weights", DEF_VAL["embed_gen"]["torchreid"]["weights"])
model = self._init_model(self.model_weights == "pretrained")
self.register_module(name="model", module=self.configure_torch_module(model))
self.image_key = self.params.get("image_key", DEF_VAL["embed_gen"]["torchreid"]["image_key"])
def _init_model(self, pretrained: bool) -> nn.Module:
"""Initialize torchreid model"""
m = build_model(
use_gpu=self.device.type == "cuda",
if not pretrained: # pragma: no cover
# custom model params
load_pretrained_weights(m, to_abspath(self.model_weights), verbose=self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG))
return m
def predict_embeddings(self, data: t.Tensor) -> t.Tensor:
"""Predict embeddings given some input.
data: The input for the model, most likely a cropped image.
Tensor containing a batch B of embeddings.
Shape: ``[B x E]``
def _get_torchreid_embeds(r) -> t.Tensor:
"""Torchreid returns embeddings during eval and ids during training."""
if isinstance(r, t.Tensor):
# During model building, triplet loss was forced for torchreid models.
# Therefore, only one return value means that only the embeddings are returned
return r
if len(r) == 2:
_, embeddings = r
return embeddings
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown torchreid model output.")
results = self.model(data)
return _get_torchreid_embeds(results)
def predict_ids(self, data: t.Tensor) -> t.Tensor:
"""Predict class IDs given some input.
data: The input for the model, most likely a cropped image.
Tensor containing class predictions, which are not necessarily a probability distribution.
Shape: ``[B x num_classes]``
def _get_torchreid_ids(r) -> t.Tensor:
"""Torchreid returns embeddings during eval and ids during training."""
if isinstance(r, t.Tensor):
# During model building, triplet loss was forced for torchreid models.
# Therefore, only one return value means that only the embeddings are returned
return self.model.classifier(r)
if len(r) == 2:
ids, _ = r
return ids
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown torchreid model output.")
results = self.model(data)
return _get_torchreid_ids(results)
def forward(self, ds: State) -> t.Tensor:
"""Predict embeddings given some input.
Torchreid models will return different results based on whether they are in eval or training mode.
Make sure forward is only called in the evaluation mode.
ds: A :class:`State` containing the cropped image as input for the model.
:class:`Image` or FloatTensor of shape ``[B x C x w x h]``.
A batch of embeddings as tensor of shape: ``[B x E]``.
if self.embedding_key_exists(ds):
return ds[self.embedding_key]
embeddings = self.model(getattr(ds, self.image_key) if hasattr(ds, self.image_key) else ds[self.image_key])
if self.save_embeddings:
ds[self.embedding_key] = embeddings
return embeddings