Source code for dgs.models.dataset.MOT

"""Datasets and helpers for the |MOT|_ datasets."""

import configparser
import os.path
import re
from glob import glob

import torch as t
import torchvision.tv_tensors as tvte

from dgs.models.dataset.dataset import ImageDataset, ImageHistoryDataset
from dgs.utils.config import DEF_VAL
from dgs.utils.exceptions import InvalidPathException
from dgs.utils.files import mkdir_if_missing, to_abspath
from dgs.utils.state import EMPTY_STATE, State
from dgs.utils.types import Config, Device, FilePath, ImgShape, NodePath, Validations

MOT_validations: Validations = {
    # optional
    "file_separator": ["optional", str],
    "seqinfo_path": ["optional", str],
    "seqinfo_key": ["optional", str],
    "crop_key": ["optional", str],

MOTHistory_validations: Validations = {
    # optional
    "file_separator": ["optional", str],
    "seqinfo_path": ["optional", str],
    "seqinfo_key": ["optional", str],
    "crop_key": ["optional", str],

[docs] def load_seq_ini(fp: FilePath, key: str = None) -> dict[str, any]: """Load a ``seqinfo.ini`` file containing the information of the Sequence. Example ``seqinfo.ini``:: [Sequence] name=MOT20-## imDir=img1 frameRate=## seqLength=#### imWidth=1920 imHeight=1080 imExt=.jpg Args: fp: The local or absolute path to the seqinfo.ini file. key: The key at which the data is stored in the seqinfo.ini file. Default ``DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_key"]``. """ if key is None: key = DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_key"] if not fp.endswith(".ini"): raise InvalidPathException(f"Presumed seqinfo.ini file '{fp}' does not have .ini ending.") fp = to_abspath(fp) ini_data = configparser.ConfigParser() ini_data.optionxform = str # make sure camelCase of the variable names stays, encoding="utf-8") if key not in ini_data: raise KeyError(f"Expected key '{key}' to be in seqinfo.ini file, but got keys: '{list(ini_data.keys())}'") return dict(ini_data[key])
[docs] def write_seq_ini(fp: FilePath, data: dict[str, any], space_around_delimiters: bool = None, key: str = None) -> None: """Write the ``seqinfo.ini`` file to a given location. Args: fp: The absolute path to the file containing the sequence information. data: The data to be written into the sequence file. space_around_delimiters: Whether to put spaces around the delimiters, see :func:`configparser.ConfigParser().write` for more details. Default ``DEF_VAL.dataset.MOT.space_around_delimiters``. key: The key at which the data should be stored in the seqinfo.ini file. Default ``DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_key"]``. """ for value in ["name", "imDir", "frameRate", "seqLength", "imWidth", "imHeight", "imExt"]: if value not in data: raise ValueError(f"Expected '{value}' to be in data, but got '{data}'.") if space_around_delimiters is None: space_around_delimiters = DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["space_around_delimiters"] if key is None: key = DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_key"] config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.optionxform = str # make sure camelCase of the variable names stays # get current state, encoding="utf-8") # add a new key or modify the existing one config[key] = data with open(fp, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: config.write(fp=file, space_around_delimiters=space_around_delimiters)
[docs] def load_MOT_file( fp: FilePath, *, sep: str = r",\s?", device: Device = "cpu", seqinfo_fp: FilePath = None, seqinfo_key: str = None, crop_key: str = None, ) -> tuple[list[State], dict[str, any]]: """Given the path to a file in the MOT format, get a list of states. Each State contains the data of one image and the respective detections. The MOT-files contain one annotation per line, each consisting of the values for: ``<frame>, <person_id>, <bb_left>, <bb_top>, <bb_width>, <bb_height>, <conf>, <x>, <y>, <z>`` Notes: The world coordinates x,y,z are ignored for the 2D challenge and can be filled with -1 or 1. Similarly, the bounding boxes are ignored for the 3D challenge. However, each line is still required to contain exactly 10 values. Notes: It seems that the value for <conf> is not always present. Notes: All frame numbers, target IDs and bounding boxes are 1-based. Args: fp: The local or absolute path to the file containing the ground-truth information. sep: The separator used between every value in every line. The separator can contain regex expressions. device: The device the tensors of the State are on. Default "cpu". seqinfo_fp: The local or absolute path to the folder containing the seqinfo file for this dataset. With the default ``None``, and with ``fp=".../MOT20-XX/gt/gt.txt"``, the file is expected to be in ``.../MOT20-XX/seqinfo.ini``. seqinfo_key: The key to use in the seqinfo file. Default ``DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_key"]``. crop_key: The key to use in the seqinfo file when loading the image crop paths. Default ``DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["crop_key"]``. Raises: InvalidPathException if the file ending is not correct. Returns: A list containing one :class:`State` per image, each State containing the respective annotations of the image. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals if not fp.endswith((".txt", ".csv")): raise InvalidPathException(f"Presumed .txt file {fp} does not have .txt ending.") with open(fp, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as file: lines = [[float(val) if "." in val else int(val) for val in re.split(sep, line.strip())] for line in file] dataset_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(fp)) seqinfo_fp = seqinfo_fp if seqinfo_fp is not None else os.path.join(dataset_path, "./seqinfo.ini") seqinfo_key = seqinfo_key if seqinfo_key is not None else DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_key"] seqinfo: dict[str, any] = load_seq_ini(fp=seqinfo_fp, key=seqinfo_key) ds_id: str = re.findall(r"\d+", seqinfo["name"])[-1] crop_key = crop_key if crop_key is not None else DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["crop_key"] crop_info: dict[str, any] = load_seq_ini(fp=seqinfo_fp, key=crop_key) # image and crop handling base_img_path: FilePath = os.path.join(dataset_path, seqinfo["imDir"]) all_img_paths: list[FilePath] = glob(os.path.join(base_img_path, f"./*{seqinfo['imExt']}")) assert len(all_img_paths) == int(seqinfo["seqLength"]) base_crop_path: FilePath = os.path.join(dataset_path, crop_info["imDir"]) img_name_digits: int = len(os.path.basename(all_img_paths[0]).split(".")[0]) assert all(len(os.path.basename(path).split(".")[0]) == img_name_digits for path in all_img_paths) img_shape: ImgShape = (int(seqinfo["imHeight"]), int(seqinfo["imWidth"])) # create a mapping from person id to a (custom) class id containing the dataset id # this is necessary, because the person ids are not unique across videos map_pid_to_cid: dict[int, int] = { int(pid): int(f"1{i}{ds_id}") for i, pid in enumerate(sorted(set(line[1] for line in lines))) } states = [] for frame_id in range(1, int(seqinfo["seqLength"]) + 1): # get all annotations for the current frame id annos: list[list[any]] = [line for line in lines if line[0] == frame_id] file_paths = tuple( [os.path.join(base_img_path, f"{frame_id:0{img_name_digits}d}{seqinfo['imExt']}")] * max(len(annos), 1) ) if len(annos) == 0: es = EMPTY_STATE.copy() es.filepath = file_paths es["frame_id"] = frame_id states.append(es) continue bboxes = tvte.BoundingBoxes( [anno[2:6] for anno in annos], format="XYWH", canvas_size=img_shape, dtype=t.float32, device=device ) crop_paths = tuple(os.path.join(base_crop_path, f"{frame_id}_{anno[1]}{crop_info['imExt']}") for anno in annos) states.append( State( bbox=bboxes, filepath=file_paths, crop_path=crop_paths, person_id=t.tensor([anno[1] for anno in annos], device=device, dtype=t.long), class_id=t.tensor([map_pid_to_cid[anno[1]] for anno in annos], device=device, dtype=t.long), frame_id=[frame_id] * len(annos), validate=False, ) ) assert all("image" not in for s in states) return states, seqinfo
[docs] def write_MOT_file(fp: FilePath, data: list[tuple[any, ...]], sep=",") -> None: # pragma: no cover """Given MOT data, write it to the given path. Args: fp: The filepath to save the file to. data: A list containing the MOT data of every detection independently. sep: The separator to use between the values of every detection. """ if not fp.endswith(".txt"): raise InvalidPathException(f"Presumed to write to a .txt file, but got '{fp}'.") fp = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(fp)) mkdir_if_missing(os.path.dirname(fp)) str_data = [sep.join(str(val) for val in d) + "\n" for d in data] with open(fp, mode="w+", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.writelines(str_data)
[docs] class MOTImage(ImageDataset): """Load a ground-truth- or detection-file in the |MOT|_ format. Params ------ Optional Params --------------- file_separator (str, optional): The str or regular expression used to split the lines in the annotation file. Default ``DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["file_separator"]``. crop_key (str, optional): The name of the key in the seqinfo file containing the info for the image crops. Default ``DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["crop_key"]``. seqinfo_path (str, optional): The optional path to the ``seqinfo.ini`` file. Default ``DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_path"]``. seqinfo_key (str, optional): The key to use in the seqinfo file. Default ``DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_key"]``. """ data: list[State]
[docs] def __init__(self, config: Config, path: NodePath): super().__init__(config, path) self.validate_params(MOT_validations), seqinfo = load_MOT_file( fp=self.get_path_in_dataset(self.params["data_path"]), device=self.device, sep=self.params.get("file_separator", DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["file_separator"]), crop_key=self.params.get("crop_key", DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["crop_key"]), seqinfo_fp=self.params.get("seqinfo_path", DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_path"]), seqinfo_key=self.params.get("seqinfo_key", DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_key"]), ) if "crops_folder" not in self.params: seqinfo_path = self.params.get( "seqinfo_path", self.get_path_in_dataset(os.path.join(seqinfo["name"], "./seqinfo.ini")) ) seqinfo_crop = load_seq_ini( fp=seqinfo_path, key=self.params.get("crop_key", DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["crop_key"]) ) self.params["crops_folder"] = self.get_path_in_dataset( os.path.join(seqinfo["name"], str(seqinfo_crop["imDir"])) ) if not os.path.exists(self.params["crops_folder"]): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find the crops folder at '{self.params['crops_folder']}'.")
[docs] def arbitrary_to_ds(self, a: State, idx: int) -> State: """Most of the state is available, now just load the image crops.""" return a
[docs] class MOTImageHistory(ImageHistoryDataset): """Load a ground-truth- or detection-file in the |MOT|_ format by making sure, that all detections except the first ``L`` ones are loaded and are returned with the history. Params ------ data_path (FilePath): The local or absolute path to the txt or csv file containing the MOT annotations. Optional Params --------------- file_separator (str, optional): The str or regular expression used to split the lines in the annotation file. Default ``DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["file_separator"]``. crop_key (str, optional): The name of the key in the seqinfo file containing the info for the image crops. Default ``DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["crop_key"]``. seqinfo_path (str, optional): The optional path to the ``seqinfo.ini`` file. Default ``DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_path"]``. seqinfo_key (str, optional): The key to use in the seqinfo file. Default ``DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_key"]``. """ data: list[State]
[docs] def __init__(self, config: Config, path: NodePath): super().__init__(config, path) self.validate_params(MOTHistory_validations), seqinfo = load_MOT_file( fp=self.get_path_in_dataset(self.params["data_path"]), sep=self.params.get("file_separator", DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["file_separator"]), device=self.device, crop_key=self.params.get("crop_key", DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["crop_key"]), seqinfo_fp=self.params.get("seqinfo_path", DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_path"]), seqinfo_key=self.params.get("seqinfo_key", DEF_VAL["submission"]["MOT"]["seqinfo_key"]), ) if "crops_folder" not in self.params: seqinfo_path = self.params.get( "seqinfo_path", self.get_path_in_dataset(os.path.join(seqinfo["name"], "./seqinfo.ini")) ) seqinfo_crop = load_seq_ini( fp=seqinfo_path, key=self.params.get("crop_key", DEF_VAL["dataset"]["MOT"]["crop_key"]) ) self.params["crops_folder"] = self.get_path_in_dataset( os.path.join(seqinfo["name"], str(seqinfo_crop["imDir"])) ) if not os.path.exists(self.params["crops_folder"]): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find the crops folder at '{self.params['crops_folder']}'.")
[docs] def arbitrary_to_ds(self, a: list[State], idx: int) -> list[State]: return a