Classes and helpers for Track, Tracks, and other tracking related objects.
from collections import deque, UserDict
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum
import torch as t
from dgs.utils.config import DEF_VAL
from dgs.utils.state import collate_states, State
TrackID = int
"""The ID of any given track is a positive integer."""
class TrackStatus(Enum):
"""Enumerate for handling the status of a :class:`.Track`.
A track can be deleted and re-activated.
If a track was 'Inactive' and becomes 'Active' again its status is simply 'Active'.
New = 0
Active = 1
Inactive = 2
Reactivated = 3
Removed = 4
class TrackStatistics:
"""Data object to save and analyze the statistics of some tracks."""
# active
new: list[TrackID]
reactivated: list[TrackID]
found: list[TrackID]
still_active: list[TrackID]
# inactive
lost: list[TrackID]
still_inactive: list[TrackID]
# removed
removed: list[TrackID]
def __init__(self) -> None:
# ######### #
# Functions #
# ######### #
def print(self, logger, frame_idx: int) -> None: # pragma: no cover
"""Print the current Track statistics. Debug only."""
f"Active: {self.active} of which {self.new} are new, "
f"{self.found} are re-found, and {self.reactivated} are reactivated."
logger.debug(f"Inactive: {self.inactive} of which {self.lost} are lost.")
logger.debug(f"Removed: {self.removed}")
def clear(self) -> None:
"""Clear the current Track statistics. Mostly used for tests."""
# active
self.new = []
self.reactivated = []
self.found = []
self.still_active = []
# inactive
self.lost = []
self.still_inactive = []
# removed
self.removed = []
# ########## #
# Properties #
# ########## #
def active(self) -> set[TrackID]:
return set(self.new + self.reactivated + self.found + self.still_active)
def inactive(self) -> set[TrackID]:
return set(self.lost + self.still_inactive)
# ######### #
# Number of #
# ######### #
def nof_active(self) -> int:
return len(self.active)
def nof_found(self) -> int:
return len(self.found)
def nof_inactive(self) -> int:
return len(self.inactive)
def nof_lost(self) -> int:
return len(self.lost)
def nof_new(self) -> int:
return len(self.new)
def nof_reactivated(self) -> int:
return len(self.reactivated)
def nof_removed(self) -> int:
return len(self.removed)
def nof_still_active(self) -> int:
return len(self.still_active)
def nof_still_inactive(self) -> int:
return len(self.still_inactive)
class Track:
"""A Track is a single (de-)queue containing multiple :class:`.State` s, keeping the last N states.
N: The max length of this track.
states: A list of :class:`.State` objects, describing the initial values of this track.
Default None.
tid: The Track ID of this object.
Default -1.
_N: int
"""Maximum number of states in this Track."""
_states: deque
"""The deque of the current states with a max length of _N."""
_id: TrackID
"""The Track-ID of this Track."""
_status: TrackStatus
"""The status of this Track."""
_start_frame: int
"""The number describing the first frame this Track was visible."""
_nof_active: int = 0
"""The number of frames this track has been active."""
def __init__(self, N: int, curr_frame: int, states: list[State] = None, tid: int = -1) -> None:
# max nof states
if N <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"N must be greater than 0 but got '{N}'.")
self._N = N
# track-id
self.id = tid
# status and frame management
self._status = TrackStatus.New
self._start_frame = curr_frame
self._nof_active = len(states) if states is not None else 0
# already existing states
if states is not None and len(states) and any(state.B != 1 for state in states):
raise ValueError(f"The batch size of all the States '{[state.B for state in states]}' must be 1.")
self._states = deque(iterable=states if states else [], maxlen=N)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Track-{self.id}-{len(self)}-{self._start_frame}"
def __getitem__(self, index: TrackID) -> State:
return self._states[index]
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._states)
def __eq__(self, other: "Track") -> bool:
"""Return whether another Track is equal to self."""
if not isinstance(other, Track):
return False
variable_equality: bool = (
self.N == other.N
and self.id == other.id
and self.status == other.status
and self.nof_active == other.nof_active
and self._start_frame == other._start_frame
if len(self) == 0 and len(other) == 0:
return variable_equality
return (
and len(self._states) == len(other._states)
and all(s == other[i] for i, s in enumerate(self._states))
# ########## #
# Properties #
# ########## #
def status(self) -> TrackStatus:
return self._status
def nof_active(self) -> int:
return self._nof_active
def nof_active(self, value: int) -> None:
self._nof_active = value
def id(self) -> TrackID:
return self._id
def id(self, value: TrackID):
if isinstance(value, t.Tensor) and (value.ndim == 0 or (value.ndim == 1 and len(value) == 1)):
self._id = int(value.item())
elif isinstance(value, int):
self._id = value
raise NotImplementedError(f"unknown type for ID, expected int but got '{type(value)}' - '{value}'")
def N(self) -> int:
"""Get the max length of this Track."""
return self._N
def device(self) -> t.device:
"""Get the device of every tensor in this Track."""
if len(self) == 0:
raise ValueError("Can not get the device of an empty Track.")
device = self._states[-1].device
assert all(state.device == device for state in self._states), "Not all tensors are on the same device"
return device
# ############## #
# State handling #
# ############## #
def append(self, state: State) -> None:
"""Append a new state to the Track."""
if state.B != 1:
raise ValueError(f"A Track should only get a State with the a batch size of 1, but got {state.B}.")
if len(self._states) > 0:
self._nof_active += 1
def get_all(self) -> State:
"""Get all the states from the Track and stack them into a single :class:`State`."""
if len(self) == 0:
raise ValueError("Can not stack the items of an empty Track.")
return collate_states(list(self._states))
# ############### #
# Status handling #
# ############### #
def set_active(self) -> None:
self._status = TrackStatus.Active
def set_inactive(self) -> None:
"""Set the status of this Track to inactive and clean up older states."""
self._status = TrackStatus.Inactive
self._nof_active = 0
# clean everything except last state
for i in range(len(self) - 1):
def set_removed(self) -> None:
self._status = TrackStatus.Removed
self._nof_active = 0
self._id = -1 # unset tID
def set_reactivated(self, tid: TrackID) -> None:
self._status = TrackStatus.Reactivated
self._nof_active = 0
self._id = tid
def set_status(self, status: TrackStatus, tid: TrackID = 0) -> None:
"""Set the status of this Track."""
if status == TrackStatus.Active:
elif status == TrackStatus.Inactive:
elif status == TrackStatus.Removed:
elif status == TrackStatus.Reactivated:
elif status == TrackStatus.New:
self._status = TrackStatus.New
raise ValueError(f"Unknown TrackStatus {status}") # pragma: no cover
def age(self, curr_frame: int) -> int:
"""Get the age of this track (in frames).
The age does not account for frames where the track has been deleted.
return curr_frame - self._start_frame
# ####### #
# Utility #
# ####### #
def to(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Track":
"""Call ``.to()`` like you do with any other ``torch.Tensor``."""
for i, state in enumerate(self._states):
self._states[i] = state.to(*args, **kwargs)
return self
def clear(self) -> None:
"""Clear all the states from the Track."""
self._nof_active = 0
def copy(self) -> "Track":
"""Return a (deep) copy of self."""
track = Track(
states=[s.copy() for s in self._states],
track.nof_active = self._nof_active
track.set_status(status=self._status, tid=self.id)
return track
class Tracks(UserDict):
"""Multiple Track objects stored as a dictionary,
where the Track is the value and the key is this tracks' unique ID.
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
_N: int
"""The maximum number of frames in each track."""
data: dict[TrackID, Track]
"""All the Tracks that are currently tracked, including inactive Tracks as mapping 'Track-ID -> Track'."""
inactive: dict[TrackID, int]
"""All the inactive Tracks as 'Track-ID -> number of inactive frames / steps'."""
inactivity_threshold: int
"""The number of steps a Track can be inactive before deleting it."""
removed: dict[TrackID, Track]
"""All the Tracks that have been removed, to be able to reactivate them."""
_curr_frame: int
"""The number of the current frame."""
def __init__(self, N: int, thresh: int = None, start_frame: int = 0) -> None:
# set N - the maximum length of every track
if N <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"N must be greater than 0 but got '{N}'")
self._N = N
# set the inactivity threshold
if thresh is None:
self.inactivity_threshold = DEF_VAL["tracks"]["inactivity_threshold"]
elif not isinstance(thresh, int):
raise TypeError(f"Threshold is expected to be int or None, but got {thresh}")
elif thresh < 0:
raise ValueError(f"Threshold must be positive, got {thresh}.")
self.inactivity_threshold = thresh
# make sure to set the initial current frame after resetting
self._curr_frame = start_frame
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Get the length of data.
If you want the number of active or inactive Tracks,
use :meth:`.nof_active` and :meth:`.nof_inactive` respectively.
If you want the age, use :meth:`.age`.
return len(self.data)
def __eq__(self, other: "Tracks") -> bool:
"""Check the equality of two Tracks.
This method does not validate whether the removed Tracks are equal.
if not isinstance(other, Tracks):
return False
return (
self.inactive == other.inactive
and self.inactivity_threshold == other.inactivity_threshold
and self._curr_frame == other._curr_frame
and set(self.data.keys()) == set(other.data.keys())
and all(t == other.data[k] for k, t in self.data.items())
def __getitem__(self, key: TrackID) -> Track:
"""Given the Track-ID return the Track."""
return self.data[key]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Tracks-{self.age}-{self.ids_active}"
# ########## #
# Properties #
# ########## #
def N(self) -> int:
return self._N
def age(self) -> int:
return self._curr_frame
def ages(self) -> dict[int, int]:
"""Get the age of all the tracks (in frames)."""
return {i: t.age(self._curr_frame) for i, t in self.data.items()}
def ids(self) -> set[TrackID]:
"""Get all the track-IDs in this object."""
return set(int(k) for k in self.data.keys())
def ids_active(self) -> set[TrackID]:
"""Get all the track-IDs currently active."""
return self.ids - self.ids_inactive
def ids_inactive(self) -> set[TrackID]:
"""Get all the track-IDs currently inactive."""
return set(int(k) for k in self.inactive.keys())
def ids_removed(self) -> set[TrackID]:
"""Get all the track-IDs that have been deleted."""
return set(int(k) for k in self.removed.keys())
def nof_active(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of active Tracks."""
return len(self.data) - len(self.inactive)
def nof_inactive(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of inactive Tracks."""
return len(self.inactive)
def nof_removed(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of Tracks that have been removed."""
return len(self.removed)
# ######################## #
# State and Track Handling #
# ######################## #
def remove_tid(self, tid: TrackID) -> None:
"""Given a Track-ID, remove the track associated with it from this object."""
if tid not in self.data:
raise KeyError(f"Track-ID {tid} can not be deleted, because it is not present in Tracks.")
self.removed[tid] = self.data.pop(tid)
self.inactive.pop(tid, None)
def remove_tids(self, tids: list[TrackID]) -> None:
for tid in tids:
def is_active(self, tid: TrackID) -> bool:
"""Return whether the given Track-ID is active."""
return tid in self.data and tid not in self.inactive
def is_inactive(self, tid: TrackID) -> bool:
"""Return whether the given Track-ID is inactive."""
return tid in self.data and tid in self.inactive
def is_removed(self, tid: TrackID) -> bool:
"""Return whether the given Track-ID has been removed."""
return tid not in self.data and tid in self.removed
def add(self, tracks: dict[TrackID, State], new: list[State]) -> list[TrackID]:
"""Given tracks with existing Track-IDs update those and create new Tracks for States without Track-IDs.
mark Track-IDs that are not in either of the inputs as unseen and therefore as inactive for one more step.
The Track-IDs of the new_tracks in the same order as provided.
inactive_ids = self.ids - set(int(k) for k in tracks.keys())
# get the next free ID and create track(s)
new_tids = self.add_empty_tracks(len(new))
# add the new state to the new tracks
for tid, new_state in zip(new_tids, new):
if new_state.B != 0:
self._update_track(tid=tid, add_state=new_state)
# add state to Track and remove track from inactive if present
for tid, new_state in tracks.items():
if new_state.B != 0:
self._update_track(tid=tid, add_state=new_state)
# step to the next frame
return new_tids
def _next_frame(self) -> None:
self._curr_frame += 1
def get_states(self) -> tuple[list[State], list[TrackID]]:
"""Get the last state of **every** track in this object as a :class:`State`."""
states: list[State] = []
tids: list[TrackID] = []
for tid, track in self.data.items():
return states, tids
def get_active_states(self) -> list[State]:
"""Get the last state of every **active** track in this object as a :class:`State`."""
states: list[State] = []
for tid, track in self.data.items():
# make sure that track ID is set in returned states
if "track_id" not in track[-1]:
track[-1]["track_id"] = t.tensor([tid] * track[-1].B, dtype=t.long, device=track[-1].device).flatten()
# don't add empty states
if tid in self.inactive:
return states
def add_empty_tracks(self, n: int = 1) -> list[TrackID]:
"""Given a Track, compute the next track-ID, and save this track in data using this ID.
n: The number of new Tracks to add.
tids: The track-IDs of the added tracks.
tids = []
for _ in range(n):
tid = self._get_next_id()
self.data[tid] = Track(N=self._N, curr_frame=self._curr_frame, tid=tid)
return tids
def reactivate_track(self, tid: TrackID) -> None:
"""Given the track-ID of a previously removed track, reactivate it."""
if tid not in self.removed:
raise KeyError(f"Track-ID {tid} not present in removed Tracks.")
self.data[tid] = self.removed.pop(tid)
# todo should the states of the track be removed / cleared ?
def _update_track(self, tid: TrackID, add_state: State) -> None:
"""Use the track-ID to update a track given an additional :class:`State` for the :class:`Track`.
Will additionally remove the tid from the inactive Tracks.
Whether this track has been reactivated with this update.
if tid not in self.data.keys():
if tid not in self.removed.keys():
raise KeyError(f"Track-ID {tid} neither present in the current or previously removed Tracks.")
# reactivate previously removed track
elif tid in self.inactive:
# update inactive
# append state to track
# add track id to state
self.data[tid][-1]["pred_tid"] = t.tensor(
[tid] * self.data[tid][-1].B, dtype=t.long, device=add_state.device
def _handle_inactive(self, tids: set[TrackID]) -> None:
"""Given the Track-IDs of the Tracks that haven't been seen this step, update the inactivity tracker.
Create the counter for inactive Track-IDs and update existing counters.
Additionally, remove tracks that have been inactive for too long.
for tid in tids:
if tid in self.inactive.keys():
self.inactive[tid] += 1
if self.inactive[tid] >= self.inactivity_threshold:
self.inactive[tid] = 1
def _get_next_id(self) -> TrackID:
"""Get the next free track-ID."""
if len(self.data) == 0:
return 0
return max(self.data.keys()) + 1
# ####### #
# Utility #
# ####### #
def reset(self) -> None:
"""Reset this object."""
self.data = {}
self.inactive = {}
self.removed = {}
self._curr_frame = 0
def reset_deleted(self) -> None:
"""Fully remove the deleted Tracks."""
self.removed = {}
def copy(self) -> "Tracks":
"""Return a (deep) copy of this object."""
new_t = Tracks(N=self.N, thresh=self.inactivity_threshold)
new_t.data = {i: t.copy() for i, t in self.data.items()}
new_t.inactive = deepcopy(self.inactive)
new_t.removed = deepcopy(self.removed)
return new_t
def to(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Tracks":
"""Create function similar to :func:`torch.Tensor.to` ."""
self.data = {i: t.to(*args, **kwargs) for i, t in self.data.items()}
self.removed = {i: t.to(*args, **kwargs) for i, t in self.removed.items()}
return self