Source code for dgs.utils.torchtools

Tools for handling recurring torch tasks. Mostly taken from the `torchreid package

import os
import pickle
import shutil
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import TypeVar, Union

import torch as t
from torch import nn, optim
from torch.nn import Module as TorchModule

from dgs.models.module import BaseModule
from dgs.utils.files import mkdir_if_missing
from dgs.utils.types import Device, FilePath

BaseMod = TypeVar("BaseMod", bound=BaseModule)
TorchMod = TypeVar("TorchMod", bound=TorchModule)

[docs] def get_model_from_module(module: Union[TorchMod, BaseMod]) -> TorchMod: """Given either a torch module or an instance of BaseModule, return a torch module. Within a BaseModule, this function searches for a 'module' attribute. Args: module: The module containing or being a torch module. Returns: An instance of a torch module. Raises: ValueError if a torch module cannot be found. """ if isinstance(module, nn.DataParallel): module = module.module if isinstance(module, BaseModule): if hasattr(module, "model"): module = module.model elif hasattr(module, "module"): module = module.module elif not isinstance(module, nn.Module): raise ValueError( f"model {module.__class__.__name__} is a BaseModule but there is no 'model' attribute " f"and the model is not a subclass of nn.Module." ) return module
[docs] def save_checkpoint( state: dict[str, any], save_dir: FilePath, *, is_best: bool = False, remove_module_from_keys: bool = False, prepend: str = "", verbose: bool = True, ) -> None: """Save a given checkpoint. Args: state: State dictionary. See examples. save_dir: directory to save checkpoint. is_best (bool, optional): if True, this checkpoint will be copied and named ``model-best.pth.tar``. Default is False. remove_module_from_keys: Whether to remove the 'module.' prepend in the state dict of the module. prepend: A string to prepend to the filename. verbose (bool, optional): whether to print a confirmation when the checkpoint has been created. Default is True. Examples: >>> state = { >>> 'model': model.state_dict(), >>> 'epoch': 10, >>> 'rank1': 0.5, >>> 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict() >>> } >>> save_checkpoint(state, 'log/my_model') """ mkdir_if_missing(save_dir) # all the module keys start with 'module.' remove that if remove_module_from_keys: # remove 'module.' in state_dict's keys state_dict = deepcopy(state["module"]) new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in state_dict.items(): if k.startswith("module."): k = k[7:] elif k.startswith("model."): k = k[6:] new_state_dict[k] = v state["module"] = new_state_dict # save epoch = int(state["epoch"]) if len(prepend) > 0 and not prepend.endswith("_"): prepend += "_" fpath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(save_dir, f"./{prepend}epoch{epoch:0>3}.pth")), f=fpath) if verbose: print(f"Checkpoint saved to '{fpath}'") if is_best: shutil.copy(fpath, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fpath), "model-best.pth.tar")) if verbose: print("Saved best model as model-best.pth.tar")
[docs] def load_checkpoint(fpath, device: Device = None) -> dict: """Load a given checkpoint. ``UnicodeDecodeError`` can be well handled, which means python2-saved files can be read from python3. Args: fpath (str): path to checkpoint. device (torch.device, optional): If not None, load all tensors to this device. If None tries to load to CUDA. Returns: dict Examples: >>> from dgs.utils.torchtools import load_checkpoint >>> fpath = 'log/my_model/model.pth.tar-10' >>> checkpoint = load_checkpoint(fpath) """ if fpath is None: raise ValueError("File path is None") fpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(fpath)) if not os.path.exists(fpath): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File is not found at '{fpath}'") map_location = device if device is not None else "cuda" if t.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" try: checkpoint = t.load(fpath, map_location=map_location) except UnicodeDecodeError: pickle.load = partial(pickle.load, encoding="latin1") pickle.Unpickler = partial(pickle.Unpickler, encoding="latin1") checkpoint = t.load(fpath, pickle_module=pickle, map_location=map_location) except Exception: print(f"Unable to load checkpoint from '{fpath}'") raise return checkpoint
[docs] def load_pretrained_weights( model: TorchMod, weight_path: FilePath, device: Device = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> None: """Loads pretrianed weights to model. Features: - Incompatible layers (unmatched in name or size) will be ignored. - Can automatically deal with keys containing 'module.'. Args: model: A torch module. weight_path: path to pretrained weights. device: Device to load weights to. verbose: Whether to print non-warning messages Examples: >>> from dgs.utils.torchtools import load_pretrained_weights >>> weight_path = 'log/my_model/model-best.pth.tar' >>> load_pretrained_weights(model, weight_path) """ checkpoint = load_checkpoint(weight_path, device=device) if "model" in checkpoint: state_dict = checkpoint["model"] else: state_dict = checkpoint model_dict = model.state_dict() new_state_dict = OrderedDict() matched_layers, discarded_layers = [], [] for k, v in state_dict.items(): if k in model_dict and model_dict[k].size() == v.size(): new_state_dict[k] = v matched_layers.append(k) elif k.startswith("module.") and k[7:] in model_dict and model_dict[k[7:]].size() == v.size(): new_state_dict[k[7:]] = v matched_layers.append(k[7:]) elif k.startswith("model.") and k[6:] in model_dict and model_dict[k[6:]].size() == v.size(): new_state_dict[k[6:]] = v matched_layers.append(k[6:]) else: discarded_layers.append(k) model_dict.update(new_state_dict) model.load_state_dict(model_dict) if len(matched_layers) == 0: warnings.warn( f"The pretrained weights '{weight_path}' cannot be loaded, " f"please check the key names manually " f"(** ignored and continue **)" ) else: if verbose: print(f"Successfully loaded pretrained weights from '{weight_path}'") if len(discarded_layers) > 0: print(f"** The following layers are discarded due to unmatched keys or layer size: {discarded_layers}")
[docs] def resume_from_checkpoint( fpath: FilePath, model: Union[TorchMod, BaseMod], optimizer: optim.Optimizer = None, scheduler: optim.lr_scheduler.LRScheduler = None, verbose: bool = False, ) -> int: """Resumes training from a checkpoint. This will load (1) model weights and (2) ``state_dict`` of optimizer if ``optimizer`` is not None. Args: fpath: The path to checkpoint. Can be a local or absolute path. model: The model that is currently trained. optimizer: An Optimizer. scheduler: A single LRScheduler. verbose: Whether to print additional debug information. Returns: int: start_epoch. Examples: >>> from dgs.utils.torchtools import resume_from_checkpoint >>> fpath = 'log/my_model/model.pth.tar-10' >>> start_epoch = resume_from_checkpoint( >>> fpath, model, optimizer, scheduler >>> ) """ model = get_model_from_module(module=model) if verbose: print(f"Loading checkpoint from '{fpath}'") load_pretrained_weights(model=model, weight_path=fpath, verbose=verbose) if verbose: print("Loaded model weights") checkpoint = load_checkpoint(fpath) if optimizer is not None and "optimizer" in checkpoint.keys(): optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["optimizer"]) if verbose: print("Loaded optimizer") if scheduler is not None and "scheduler" in checkpoint.keys(): scheduler.load_state_dict(checkpoint["scheduler"]) if verbose: print("Loaded scheduler") return checkpoint["epoch"]
[docs] def set_bn_to_eval(module: Union[TorchMod, BaseMod]) -> None: """Sets BatchNorm layers to eval mode. Args: module: A torch module. """ # 1. no update for running mean and var # 2. scale and shift parameters are still trainable module = get_model_from_module(module=module) classname = module.__class__.__name__ if classname.find("BatchNorm") != -1: module.eval()
[docs] def open_specified_layers( model: Union[TorchMod, BaseMod], open_layers: str | list[str], freeze_others: bool = True, verbose: bool = False ) -> None: """Opens the specified layers in the given model for training while keeping all other layers unchanged or frozen. Args: model: A torch module or a BaseModule containing a torch module as attribute 'module'. open_layers: Name or names of the layers to open for training. freeze_others: Whether to freeze all the other modules that are not present in ``open_layers``. verbose: Whether to print some debugging information. Examples: In the first example, open only the classifier-layer and freeze the rest of the model. Then, in the second example using the same model, open the two fc-layers while keeping the previously opened classifier open. In the third one open the fc- and classifier-layers and freeze everything else. >>> from dgs.utils.torchtools import open_specified_layers >>> open_specified_layers(model, open_layers='classifier') >>> open_specified_layers(model, open_layers=['fc1', 'fc2'], freeze_others=False) >>> open_specified_layers(other_model, open_layers=['fc', 'classifier']) Raises: ValueError if a value in open_layers is not an attribute of the model. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches model = get_model_from_module(module=model) if isinstance(open_layers, str): open_layers = [open_layers] for layer in open_layers: if not hasattr(model, layer): raise ValueError( f"{layer} is not an attribute of the model {model.__class__.__name__}, " f"please provide the correct name or model." ) nof_opened, nof_freezed, still_open, still_closed = 0, 0, 0, 0 sub_module: TorchMod for name, sub_module in model.named_children(): if name in open_layers: sub_module.train() sub_module.requires_grad_() for p in sub_module.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True nof_opened += 1 elif freeze_others: sub_module.eval() sub_module.requires_grad_(False) for p in sub_module.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False nof_freezed += 1 elif still_open += 1 else: still_closed += 1 if verbose: if freeze_others: print(f"Opened {nof_opened} layers. Froze {nof_freezed}.") else: print(f"Opened {nof_opened} layers. Layers still open: {still_open}. Layers still closed: {still_closed}")
[docs] def open_all_layers(model: Union[TorchMod, BaseMod]) -> None: """Opens all layers in this model for training. Args: model: A torch module. Examples: >>> from dgs.utils.torchtools import open_all_layers >>> open_all_layers(model) """ def open_module(m: TorchMod) -> None: if hasattr(m, "requires_grad"): m.requires_grad = True if hasattr(m, "train"): m.train() model: TorchMod = get_model_from_module(module=model) model.train() model.requires_grad_() model.apply(open_module) for p in model.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True
[docs] def close_specified_layers( model: Union[TorchMod, BaseMod], close_layers: str | list[str], open_others: bool = False, verbose: bool = False ) -> None: """Close / Freeze the specified layers in the given model for training while keeping all other layers unchanged. Args: model: A torch module or a BaseModule containing a torch module as attribute 'module'. close_layers: Name or names of the layers to close for evaluation. open_others: Whether to open all layers not present in ``close_layers``. verbose: Whether to print some debugging information. Raises: ValueError if a value in close_layers is not an attribute of the model. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches model = get_model_from_module(module=model) if isinstance(close_layers, str): close_layers = [close_layers] for layer in close_layers: if not hasattr(model, layer): raise ValueError( f"{layer} is not an attribute of the model {model.__class__.__name__}, " f"please provide the correct name or model." ) nof_closed, nof_opened, still_closed, still_open = 0, 0, 0, 0 sub_module: TorchMod for name, sub_module in model.named_children(): if name in close_layers: sub_module.eval() sub_module.requires_grad_(False) for p in sub_module.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False nof_closed += 1 elif open_others: sub_module.train() sub_module.requires_grad_() for p in sub_module.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True nof_opened += 1 elif still_open += 1 else: still_closed += 1 if verbose: if open_others: print(f"Closed {nof_closed} layers. Opened {nof_opened} layers.") else: print(f"Closed {nof_closed} layers. Still open: {still_open}, kept closed: {still_closed}")
[docs] def close_all_layers(model: Union[TorchMod, BaseMod]) -> None: """Closes / Freezes all layers in this model, e.g., for evaluation. Args: model: A torch module. """ def freeze_module(m: TorchMod) -> None: if hasattr(m, "requires_grad"): m.requires_grad = False if hasattr(m, "eval"): m.eval() model: TorchMod = get_model_from_module(module=model) model.eval() model.requires_grad_(False) model.apply(freeze_module) for p in model.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False
[docs] def configure_torch_module(orig_cls: Union[BaseMod, TorchMod], *_args, **orig_kwargs) -> BaseMod: # pragma: no cover """Decorator to decorate a class, which has to be a child of torch.nn.Module and the BaseModule! The decorator will then call BaseModule.configure_torch_model on themselves after initializing the original class. If ``name`` is `None` the whole class will be used as `torch.nn.Module` which is going to be configured. Otherwise, the classes `name` attribute will be used as `torch.nn.Module` for configuration. Args: orig_cls: The decorated class. Keyword Args: names: The name or names of `orig_cls`'s attributes which contains the `nn.Module` that should be configured. Raises: ValueError: If the class is not a child of both required parent classes. Or the parameter `name` is set and does not exist in the class. Returns: The decorated class after the configuration is applied. """ orig_init = orig_cls.__init__ def class_wrapper(self: Union[BaseMod, TorchMod], *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(self, BaseModule) or not isinstance(self, TorchModule): raise ValueError(f"Given class or function {self} is not a child of BaseModule and torch.nn.Module") # first initialize class orig_init(self, *args, **kwargs) # then call configure_torch_model() # if no names are provided, use the class as torch Module, otherwise on the attribute `names` if "names" not in orig_kwargs: self.configure_torch_module(module=self) else: names = orig_kwargs["names"] if isinstance(names, str): names = [names] for name in names: if name not in self: raise ValueError(f"Class {self} does not contain property of name {name}") self.configure_torch_model(module=self[name]) # override original init method orig_cls.__init__ = class_wrapper return orig_cls
[docs] def init_model_params(module: TorchMod) -> None: """Given a torch module, initialize the model parameters using some default weights.""" model: TorchMod = get_model_from_module(module) for instance in model.modules(): init_instance_params(instance=instance)
[docs] def init_instance_params(instance: nn.Module) -> None: """Given a module instance, initialize a single instance.""" if isinstance(instance, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(instance.weight, mode="fan_out", nonlinearity="relu") if instance.bias is not None: nn.init.constant_(instance.bias, 0) elif isinstance(instance, nn.BatchNorm2d): nn.init.constant_(instance.weight, 1) nn.init.constant_(instance.bias, 0) elif isinstance(instance, nn.BatchNorm1d): nn.init.constant_(instance.weight, 1) nn.init.constant_(instance.bias, 0) elif isinstance(instance, nn.InstanceNorm2d): nn.init.constant_(instance.weight, 1) nn.init.constant_(instance.bias, 0) elif isinstance(instance, nn.Linear): nn.init.normal_(instance.weight, 0, 0.01) if instance.bias is not None: nn.init.constant_(instance.bias, 0) elif isinstance(instance, nn.ConvTranspose2d): nn.init.normal_(instance.weight, std=0.001) for name, _ in instance.named_parameters(): if name in ["bias"]: nn.init.constant_(instance.bias, 0)
[docs] def torch_memory_analysis( f: callable, file_name: FilePath = "./memory_snapshot.pickle", max_events: int = 100_000 ) -> callable: # pragma: no cover """A decorator for torch memory analysis using :func:`torch.cuda.memory._record_memory_history`.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access def decorator(*args, **kwargs): """The decorator.""" try: # start memory recording t.cuda.memory._record_memory_history(max_entries=max_events) # call original function f(*args, **kwargs) finally: t.cuda.memory._dump_snapshot(file_name) # stop recording memory t.cuda.memory._record_memory_history(enabled=None) print(f"saved torch memory snapshot to: '{file_name}'") return decorator
[docs] def torch_memory_analysis_win( f: callable, file_name: FilePath = "./memory_snapshot.pickle", max_events: int = 100_000 ) -> callable: # pragma: no cover """A decorator for torch memory analysis using :func:`torch.cuda.memory._record_memory_history_legacy` that works on Windows machines.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access def decorator(*args, **kwargs): """The decorator.""" try: # start memory recording t.cuda.memory._record_memory_history_legacy( enabled=True, trace_alloc_max_entries=max_events, trace_alloc_record_context=True ) # call original function f(*args, **kwargs) finally: t.cuda.memory._dump_snapshot(file_name) # stop recording memory t.cuda.memory._record_memory_history_legacy(enabled=False) print(f"saved torch memory snapshot to: '{file_name}'") return decorator