Load and register modules.
from typing import Union
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader as TDataLoader, Dataset as TDataset
from dgs.models.dataset.dataset import BaseDataset, dataloader_validations
from dgs.utils.config import DEF_VAL, get_sub_config
from dgs.utils.constants import MODULE_TYPES
from dgs.utils.exceptions import InvalidConfigException
from dgs.utils.state import collate_list_of_history, collate_lists, collate_states
from dgs.utils.types import Config, NodePath
__all__ = ["module_loader", "register_module", "get_data_loader"]
def module_loader(config: Config, module_type: str, key: Union[NodePath, str], *_, **kwargs) -> any:
"""Load a given module and pass down the configuration
config: The configuration of the current tracker
module_type: The type of the module.
key: Name of the key in the configuration that contains the parameters for this module.
Can be a list of names for nested configurations.
kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the module during initialization.
Initialized instance of the submodule with its config.
# This model will have one branch for every module
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import
if module_type not in MODULE_TYPES:
raise ValueError(f"The module type: '{module_type}' could not be found.")
path: NodePath = [key] if isinstance(key, str) else key
sub_cfg: Config = get_sub_config(config, path)
if "module_name" not in sub_cfg:
raise InvalidConfigException(f"Module at path '{path}' does not contain a module name.")
module_name: str = sub_cfg["module_name"]
# Module import and initialization
if module_type == "alpha":
from dgs.models.alpha import get_alpha_module
m = get_alpha_module(module_name)
elif module_type == "combine":
from dgs.models.combine import get_combine_module
m = get_combine_module(module_name)
elif module_type == "dataloader":
return get_data_loader(config=config, path=path)
elif module_type == "dataset":
# special case: a generally concatenated dataset
if module_name.startswith("Concat_"):
from dgs.models.dataset import get_multi_dataset
return get_multi_dataset(config=config, path=path, ds_name=module_name[7:], concat=True)
if module_name.startswith("List_"):
from dgs.models.dataset import get_multi_dataset
return get_multi_dataset(config=config, path=path, ds_name=module_name[5:], concat=False)
from dgs.models.dataset import get_dataset
m = get_dataset(module_name)
elif module_type == "dgs":
from dgs.models.dgs import get_dgs_module
m = get_dgs_module(module_name)
elif module_type == "embedding_generator":
from dgs.models.embedding_generator import get_embedding_generator
m = get_embedding_generator(module_name)
elif module_type == "engine":
from dgs.models.engine import get_engine
m = get_engine(module_name)
elif module_type == "similarity":
from dgs.models.similarity import get_similarity_module
m = get_similarity_module(module_name)
elif module_type == "submission":
from dgs.models.submission import get_submission
m = get_submission(module_name)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Something went wrong while loading the module '{module_type}'")
# instantiate module with its configuration and path
return m(config=config, path=path, **kwargs)
def register_module(name, new_module, module_type: str) -> None:
r"""Register a new module.
name: The name under which to register the new module.
new_module: The type of the new module to register.
module_type: The type of module instance to register. Has to be in :data:`MODULE_TYPES`.
ValueError: If the instance class name is invalid.
from torch import nn
from dgs.models import register_module
class CustomNNLLoss(Loss):
def __init__(...):
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor):
return ...
register_module(name="CustomNNLLoss", new_module=CustomNNLLoss, inst_class_name="loss")
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,import-outside-toplevel
if module_type not in MODULE_TYPES:
raise ValueError(f"The instance class name '{module_type}' could not be found.")
if module_type == "combine":
from dgs.models.combine import register_combine_module
register_combine_module(name=name, new_combine=new_module)
elif module_type == "dataloader":
raise ValueError("You can not register a new dataloader. Did you want to register a dataset?")
elif module_type == "dataset":
from dgs.models.dataset import register_dataset
register_dataset(name=name, new_ds=new_module)
elif module_type == "dgs":
from dgs.models.dgs import register_dgs_module
register_dgs_module(name=name, new_dgs=new_module)
elif module_type == "embedding_generator":
from dgs.models.embedding_generator import register_embedding_generator
register_embedding_generator(name=name, new_eg=new_module)
elif module_type == "engine":
from dgs.models.engine import register_engine
register_engine(name=name, new_engine=new_module)
elif module_type == "loss":
from dgs.models.loss import register_loss_function
register_loss_function(name=name, new_loss=new_module)
elif module_type == "metric":
from dgs.models.metric import register_metric
register_metric(name=name, new_metric=new_module)
elif module_type == "optimizer":
from dgs.models.optimizer import register_optimizer
register_optimizer(name=name, new_optimizer=new_module)
elif module_type == "similarity":
from dgs.models.similarity import register_similarity_module
register_similarity_module(name=name, new_similarity=new_module)
elif module_type == "submission":
from dgs.models.submission import register_submission
register_submission(name=name, new_sub=new_module)
raise NotImplementedError
def get_data_loader(config: Config, path: NodePath) -> TDataLoader:
"""Set up a torch data loader with some params from config.
config: The overall configuration of the algorithm.
path: The node path to the params of this DataLoader.
A `~.DataLoader` object for the given dataset.
ds: BaseDataset = module_loader(config=config, module_type="dataset", key=path)
# validate data loader params on regular BaseDataset, a concatenated dataset should have been validated elsewhere
if isinstance(ds, BaseDataset):
params = ds.params
assert isinstance(ds, TDataset)
params = get_sub_config(config=config, path=path)
batch_size: int = params.get("batch_size", DEF_VAL["dataloader"]["batch_size"])
drop_last: bool = params.get("drop_last", DEF_VAL["dataloader"]["drop_last"])
shuffle: bool = params.get("shuffle", DEF_VAL["dataloader"]["shuffle"])
if "collate_fn" not in params:
collate_fn = collate_states
elif params["collate_fn"] == "lists" or params["collate_fn"] is None:
collate_fn = collate_lists
elif params["collate_fn"] == "states":
collate_fn = collate_states
elif params["collate_fn"] == "history":
collate_fn = collate_list_of_history
raise NotImplementedError(f"Collate function '{params['collate_fn']}' not implemented.")
return TDataLoader(
num_workers=params.get("workers", DEF_VAL["dataloader"]["workers"]),