Engine for training and testing visual embedding modules.
Kind of obsolete, due to being able to use the engines from |torchreid|_ to train visual embedding models.
import time
from datetime import timedelta
import torch as t
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader as TDataLoader
from tqdm import tqdm
from dgs.models.engine.engine import EngineModule
from dgs.models.metric import get_metric, metric, METRICS
from dgs.models.module import enable_keyboard_interrupt
from dgs.models.similarity.torchreid import TorchreidVisualSimilarity
from dgs.utils.config import DEF_VAL
from dgs.utils.state import State
from dgs.utils.timer import DifferenceTimer
from dgs.utils.types import Config, Metric, Results, Validations
train_validations: Validations = {
"nof_classes": [int, ("gt", 0)],
# optional
"topk_acc": ["optional", ("forall", [int, ("gt", 0)])],
test_validations: Validations = {
"metric": [("any", ["callable", ("in", METRICS.keys())])],
# optional
"metric_kwargs": ["optional", dict],
"topk_cmc": ["optional", ("forall", [int, ("gt", 0)])],
"write_embeds": ["optional", ("len", 2), ("forall", bool)],
"image_key": ["optional", str],
class VisualSimilarityEngine(EngineModule):
"""An engine class for training and testing visual similarities using visual embeddings.
For this model:
- ``get_data()`` should return the image crop
- ``get_target()`` should return the target class IDs
- ``train_dl`` contains the training data as usual
- ``test_dl`` contains the query data
- ``val_dl`` contains the gallery data
Train Params
nof_classes (int):
The number of classes in the training set.
Test Params
metric (str|callable):
The name or class of the metric used during testing / evaluation.
The metric in the ``VisualSimilarityEngine`` is only used
to compute the distance between the query and gallery embeddings.
Therefore, a distance-based metric should be used.
It is possible to pass additional initialization kwargs to the metric
by adding them to the ``metric_kwargs`` parameter.
Optional Train Params
topk_acc (list[int], optional):
The values for k for the top-k accuracy evaluation during training.
Default ``DEF_VAL.engine.visual.topk_acc``.
Optional Test Params
metric_kwargs (dict, optional):
Specific kwargs for the metric.
Default ``DEF_VAL.engine.visual.metric_kwargs``.
topk_cmc (list[int], optional):
The values for k the top-k cmc evaluation during testing / evaluation.
Default ``DEF_VAL.engine.visual.topk_cmc``.
write_embeds (list[bool, bool], optional):
Whether to write the embeddings for the Query and Gallery Dataset to the tensorboard writer.
Only really feasible for smaller datasets ~1k embeddings.
Default ``DEF_VAL.engine.visual.write_embeds``.
image_key (str, optional):
Which key to use when loading the image from the state in :meth:`get_data`.
Default ``DEF_VAL.engine.visual.image_key``.
# The heart of the project might get a little larger...
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
val_dl: TDataLoader
"""The torch DataLoader containing the validation (query) data."""
model: TorchreidVisualSimilarity
metric: Metric
"""A metric function used to compute the embedding distance."""
def __init__(
config: Config,
model: TorchreidVisualSimilarity,
test_loader: TDataLoader,
val_loader: TDataLoader,
train_loader: TDataLoader = None,
super().__init__(config=config, model=model, test_loader=test_loader, train_loader=train_loader, **kwargs)
self.val_dl = val_loader
self.validate_params(test_validations, "params_test")
self.topk_cmc: list[int] = self.params_test.get("topk_cmc", DEF_VAL["engine"]["visual"]["topk_cmc"])
# get metric and kwargs
self.metric = get_metric(self.params_test["metric"])(
**self.params_test.get("metric_kwargs", DEF_VAL["engine"]["visual"]["metric_kwargs"])
self.image_key: str = self.params_test.get("image_key", DEF_VAL["engine"]["visual"]["image_key"])
if self.is_training:
self.validate_params(train_validations, attrib_name="params_train")
self.nof_classes: int = self.params_train["nof_classes"]
self.topk_acc: list[int] = self.params_train.get("topk_acc", DEF_VAL["engine"]["visual"]["topk_acc"])
def get_target(self, ds: State) -> t.Tensor:
"""Get the target pIDs from the data."""
return ds["class_id"].long()
def get_data(self, ds: State) -> t.Tensor:
"""Get the image crop or other requested image from the state."""
return ds[self.image_key]
def _get_train_loss(self, data: State, _curr_iter: int) -> t.Tensor:
target_ids = self.get_target(data)
crops = self.get_data(data)
pred_id_probs = self.model.predict_ids(crops)
loss = self.loss(pred_id_probs, target_ids)
topk_accuracies = metric.compute_accuracy(prediction=pred_id_probs, target=target_ids, topk=self.topk_acc)
tag_scalar_dict={str(k): v for k, v in topk_accuracies.items()},
return loss
def _extract_data(self, dl: TDataLoader, desc: str, write_embeds: bool = False) -> tuple[t.Tensor, t.Tensor]:
"""Given a dataloader, extract the embeddings describing the people and the target pIDs using the model.
Additionally, compute the accuracy and send the embeddings to the writer.
dl: The DataLoader to extract the data from.
desc: A description for printing, writing, and saving the data.
write_embeds: Whether to write the embeddings to the tensorboard writer.
Only "smaller" Datasets should be added.
Default False.
embeddings, target_ids
embed_l: list[t.Tensor] = []
t_ids_l: list[t.Tensor] = []
imgs_l: list[t.Tensor] = []
batch_t: DifferenceTimer = DifferenceTimer()
batch: State
for batch_idx, batch in tqdm(enumerate(dl), desc=f"Extract {desc}", total=len(dl)):
# batch start
time_batch_start = time.time() # reset timer for retrieving the data
curr_iter = (self.curr_epoch - 1) * len(dl) + batch_idx
# Extract the (cropped) input image and the target pID.
# Then use the model to compute the predicted embedding and the predicted pID probabilities.
t_id = self.get_target(batch)
img_crop = self.get_data(batch)
embed = self.model.get_data(batch)
# keep the results in lists
if write_embeds:
# timing
tag_scalar_dict={f"batch_{desc}": batch_t[-1], f"indiv_{desc}": batch_t[-1] / len(batch)},
del t_id, embed, img_crop
# concatenate the result lists
p_embed: t.Tensor = t.cat(embed_l) # 2D gt embeddings [N, E]
t_ids: t.Tensor = t.cat(t_ids_l) # 1D gt person labels [N]
N: int = len(t_ids)
assert len(t_ids) == len(p_embed), f"tids: {len(t_ids)}, embed: {len(p_embed)}"
self.logger.debug(f"{desc} - Shapes - embeddings: {p_embed.shape}, target pIDs: {t_ids.shape}")
del embed_l, t_ids_l
# normalize the predicted embeddings if wanted
p_embed = self._normalize_test(p_embed)
if write_embeds:
# write embedding results - take only the first 32x32 due to limitations in tensorboard
self.logger.info("Add embeddings to writer.")
mat=p_embed[: min(512, N), :],
metadata=t_ids[: min(512, N)].tolist(),
label_img=t.cat(imgs_l)[: min(512, N)] if imgs_l else None, # 4D images [N x C x h x w]
assert isinstance(p_embed, t.Tensor), f"p_embed is {p_embed}"
assert isinstance(t_ids, t.Tensor), f"t_ids is {t_ids}"
return p_embed, t_ids
def test(self) -> dict[str, any]:
r"""Test the embeddings predicted by the model on the Test-DataLoader.
Compute Rank-N for every rank in ``self.topk_cmc``.
Compute mean average precision of predicted target labels.
results: dict[str, any] = {}
start_time: float = time.time()
self.logger.info(f"#### Start Evaluating {self.name} - Epoch {self.curr_epoch} ####")
self.logger.info("Loading, extracting, and predicting data, this might take a while...")
q_embed, q_t_ids = self._extract_data(
write_embeds=self.params_test.get("write_embeds", DEF_VAL["engine"]["visual"]["write_embeds"])[0],
g_embed, g_t_ids = self._extract_data(
write_embeds=self.params_test.get("write_embeds", DEF_VAL["engine"]["visual"]["write_embeds"])[1],
self.logger.debug("Use metric to compute the distance matrix.")
distance_matrix = self.metric(q_embed, g_embed)
self.logger.debug(f"Shape of distance matrix: {distance_matrix.shape}")
self.logger.debug("Computing CMC")
results["cmc"] = metric.compute_cmc(
results["cmc_inv"] = metric.compute_cmc(
distmat=self.metric(g_embed, q_embed),
self.write_results(results, prepend="Test")
self.logger.info(f"Test time total: {str(timedelta(seconds=round(time.time() - start_time)))}")
self.logger.info(f"#### Evaluation of {self.name} complete ####")
return results
def evaluate(self) -> Results:
raise NotImplementedError
def predict(self) -> t.Tensor:
"""Predict the visual embeddings for the test data.
Depending on the number of predictions (``N``) and the embeddings size (``E``),
the resulting tensor(s) can get incredibly huge.
The prediction for the validation data of the |PT21| dataset is roughly 300MB.
torch.Tensor: The predicted embeddings as tensor of shape: ``[N x E]``
start_time: float = time.time()
self.logger.info(f"#### Start Prediction {self.name} ####")
embeds, _ = self._extract_data(
write_embeds=self.params_test.get("write_embeds", DEF_VAL["engine"]["visual"]["write_embeds"])[0],
self.logger.info(f"Predict time total: {str(timedelta(seconds=round(time.time() - start_time)))}")
self.logger.info(f"#### Prediction of {self.name} complete ####")
return embeds