Source code for dgs.models.embedding_generator.pose_based

Different pose based embedding generators.

import torch as t
from torch import nn
from torchvision import tv_tensors as tvte
from torchvision.transforms.v2 import ConvertBoundingBoxFormat

from dgs.models.embedding_generator.embedding_generator import EmbeddingGeneratorModule
from dgs.utils.config import DEF_VAL
from dgs.utils.nn import fc_linear, set_up_hidden_layer_sizes
from dgs.utils.state import State
from dgs.utils.torchtools import configure_torch_module
from dgs.utils.types import Config, NodePath, Validations

kpcpbeg_validations: Validations = {
    "joint_shape": [list, ("len", 2), lambda l: all(i > 0 for i in l)],
    "bbox_format": [
                ("in", ["XYXY", "XYWH", "CXCYWH"]),
                ("instance", tvte.BoundingBoxFormat),
    "bias": ["optional", bool],
    "hidden_layers": ["optional", ("instance", (list, tuple, None))],
    "hidden_layers_kp": ["optional", ("instance", (list, tuple, None))],
    "nof_kernels": ["optional", int, ("gt", 0)],

lpbeg_validations: Validations = {
    "joint_shape": [list, ("len", 2), ("forall", [int, ("gt", 0)])],
    "bbox_format": [
                ("in", ["XYXY", "XYWH", "CXCYWH"]),
                ("instance", tvte.BoundingBoxFormat),
    "bias": ["optional", bool],
    "hidden_layers": ["optional", ("instance", (list, tuple, None))],
    "nof_kernels": ["optional", int, ("gt", 0)],

[docs] @configure_torch_module class KeyPointConvolutionPBEG(EmbeddingGeneratorModule, nn.Module): """Create a short torch Module that has one convolutional layer reducing the key points using relational information and an arbitrary number of hidden fully connected layers at the end. Module Name ----------- KeyPointConvolutionPBEG Description ----------- First, the convolution of the key points is computed using a given number of :attr:nof_kernels, which will return `J` values after flattening the convolution output. Those values are then inserted with the four bounding box values into the first fully connected layer. There at this point, there can be an arbitrary number of hidden FC-layers. Model Input: ``[B x J x j_dim]`` and ``[B x 4]`` Model Output: ``[B x self.embedding_size]`` Params ------ joint_shape: (tuple[int, int]) Number of joints and number of dimensions of the joints as tuple. Optional Params --------------- hidden_layers_kp: (Union[list[int], tuple[int, ...], None], optional) Respective size of every hidden layer after the convolution of the key points. The value can be None to use only one single convolution layer to cast the inputs before adding the bboxes. Default ``DEF_VAL.embed_gen.pose.KPCPBEG.hidden_layers_kp``. hidden_layers: (Union[list[int], tuple[int, ...], None], optional) Respective size of every hidden layer after adding the bounding boxes. The value can be None to use only one single linear NN-layer to cast the convoluted key points and bboxes to the outputs. Default ``DEF_VAL.embed_gen.pose.KPCPBEG.hidden_layers``. bias: (bool, optional) Whether to use a bias term in the linear layers. Default ``DEF_VAL.embed_gen.pose.KPCPBEG.bias``. nof_kernels: (int, optional) Define the number of kernels to use for convolution. Default ``DEF_VAL.embed_gen.pose.KPCPBEG.nof_kernels``. bbox_format: (Union[str, tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat], optional) The target format of the bounding box coordinates. This will have influence on the results. Default ``DEF_VAL.embed_gen.pose.KPCPBEG.bbox_format``. Important Inherited Params -------------------------- embedding_size: (int) Output shape or size of the embedding. """ def __init__(self, config: Config, path: NodePath): nn.Module.__init__(self) EmbeddingGeneratorModule.__init__(self, config, path) self.validate_params(kpcpbeg_validations) J, j_dim = self.params.get("joint_shape") self.nof_kernels = self.params.get("nof_kernels", DEF_VAL["embed_gen"]["pose"]["KPCPBEG"]["nof_kernels"]) # get bias from parameters or use default: True bias: bool = self.params.get("bias", DEF_VAL["embed_gen"]["pose"]["KPCPBEG"]["bias"]) self.bbox_converter = ConvertBoundingBoxFormat( format=self.params.get("bbox_format", DEF_VAL["embed_gen"]["pose"]["KPCPBEG"]["bbox_format"]) ) # define layers conv = nn.Conv2d(J, J, kernel_size=(j_dim, self.nof_kernels), bias=bias) flat = nn.Flatten() hidden_layers_kp = set_up_hidden_layer_sizes( input_size=J, output_size=0, # placeholder output size will be ignored during creation hidden_sizes=self.params.get( "hidden_layers_kp", DEF_VAL["embed_gen"]["pose"]["KPCPBEG"]["hidden_layers_kp"] ), ) fc1 = fc_linear(hidden_layers_kp[:-1], bias) self.part1 = nn.Sequential(conv, flat, fc1) hidden_layers_all = set_up_hidden_layer_sizes( input_size=hidden_layers_kp[-2] + 4, # last real layer-size of key point fc layers, defaults to J output_size=self.embedding_size, hidden_sizes=self.params.get("hidden_layers", DEF_VAL["embed_gen"]["pose"]["KPCPBEG"]["hidden_layers"]), ) self.fc2 = fc_linear(hidden_layers_all, bias) self.classifier = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, self.nof_classes), nn.Softmax(dim=-1), )
[docs] def forward(self, ds: State) -> tuple[t.Tensor, t.Tensor]: """Forward pass of the custom key point convolution model. Params: ds: A :class:`State` containing the key-points and the corresponding bounding boxes. Returns: This modules' prediction. ``embeddings`` is describing the key-points and bounding boxes as a tensor of shape ``[B x E]``. ``ids`` is the probability to predict a class. The ids are given as a tensor of shape ``[B x num_classes]`` with values in range `[0, 1]`. """ if self.embedding_key_exists(ds): return ds[self.embedding_key] # extract key points and bboxes from data and get them into the right shape kp = ds.keypoints bboxes = ds.bbox # convert bboxes to the specified type bboxes = self.bbox_converter(bboxes) # create new last dimension for the number of kernels -> 'nof_kernels' x = kp.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, -1, self.nof_kernels) # Convolve the key points, get an output shape of [B x J x 1 x 1]. # Flatten to have out shape of [B x J]. # Run the fc layers for the key-points only, output [B x j] x = self.part1(x) # Concatenate [B x j] and [B x 4] along the last dim. # Then use that as input into the second group of fc layers to obtain the embeddings. embeddings = self.fc2([x, bboxes], dim=-1)) # Obtain the class (id) probabilities by calling the classifier on the embeddings. ids = self.classifier(embeddings) return embeddings, ids
[docs] @configure_torch_module class LinearPBEG(EmbeddingGeneratorModule, nn.Module): """Model to compute a pose-embedding given a pose, or batch of poses describing them as a single vector. Module Name ----------- LinearPBEG Description ----------- The model consists of one or multiple linear layers followed by a single sigmoid activation function. The number of linear layers is determined by the length of the hidden_layers parameter. Params ------ joint_shape: (tuple[int, int]) The number of joints and number of dimensions of the joints as tuple. For data from 'COCO' the number of joints is 17 and all joints are two-dimensional. Therefore, resulting in ``joint_shape = (17, 2)``. Optional Params --------------- hidden_layers: (Union[list[int], tuple[int, ...], None], optional) Respective size of every hidden layer. The value can be None to use only one single linear NN-layer to cast the inputs to the outputs. Default ``DEF_VAL.embed_gen.pose.LPBEG.hidden_layers``. bias: (bool, optional) Whether to use a bias term in the linear layers. Default ``DEF_VAL.embed_gen.pose.LPBEG.bias``. bbox_format: (Union[str, tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat], optional) The target format of the bounding box coordinates. This will have influence on the results. Default ``DEF_VAL.embed_gen.pose.LPBEG.bbox_format``. Important Inherited Params -------------------------- embedding_size: (int) Output shape or size of the embedding. """ def __init__(self, config: Config, path: NodePath): nn.Module.__init__(self) EmbeddingGeneratorModule.__init__(self, config, path) self.validate_params(lpbeg_validations) self.J, self.j_dim = self.params.get("joint_shape") # get bias from parameters or use default: True self.bias: bool = self.params.get("bias", DEF_VAL["embed_gen"]["pose"]["LPBEG"]["bias"]) self.classifier = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, self.nof_classes), nn.Softmax(dim=-1), ) model = self._init_flattened_model() self.register_module(name="model", module=self.configure_torch_module(model)) self.bbox_converter = ConvertBoundingBoxFormat( format=self.params.get("bbox_format", DEF_VAL["embed_gen"]["pose"]["LPBEG"]["bbox_format"]) ) def _init_flattened_model(self) -> nn.Module: """Initialize linear pose embedding generator model.""" # input is given, additional hidden layers might be given in params hidden_layers = set_up_hidden_layer_sizes( input_size=self.J * self.j_dim + 4, output_size=self.embedding_size, hidden_sizes=self.params.get("hidden_layers", DEF_VAL["embed_gen"]["pose"]["LPBEG"]["hidden_layers"]), ) return self.configure_torch_module( # send to the target device nn.Sequential( nn.Flatten(), # keep batch dim and one value dim, default start_dim=-1, end_dim=1 *[ nn.Linear( in_features=hidden_layers[i], out_features=hidden_layers[i + 1], bias=self.bias, ) for i in range(len(hidden_layers) - 1) ], ) )
[docs] def forward(self, ds: State) -> tuple[t.Tensor, t.Tensor]: """Forward pass of the linear pose-based embedding generator. Params: ds: Either an already flattened tensor, containing the values of the key-point coordinates and the bounding box as a single tensor of shape ``[B x self.J * self.j_dim + 4]``, or the key-point coordinates and bounding boxes as tensors of shapes ``[B x self.J]`` and ``[B x 4]``. Returns: This modules' prediction. ``embeddings`` is describing the key-points and bounding boxes as a tensor of shape ``[B x E]``. ``ids`` is the probability to predict a class. The ids are given as a tensor of shape ``[B x num_classes]`` with values in range `[0, 1]`. """ if self.embedding_key_exists(ds): return ds[self.embedding_key] # extract key points and bboxes from data kp = ds.keypoints bboxes = ds.bbox # convert bboxes to the specified target type bboxes = self.bbox_converter(bboxes) data =[kp.flatten(start_dim=1),], dim=-1) embeddings = self.model(data) ids = self.classifier(embeddings) return embeddings, ids