Source code for dgs.models.combine.static

Implementation of modules that use static alpha values to combine the similarities.

import torch as t

from dgs.models.combine.combine import CombineSimilaritiesModule
from dgs.utils.torchtools import configure_torch_module
from dgs.utils.types import Config, NodePath, Validations

static_alpha_validation: Validations = {
    "alpha": [
        ("longer eq", 1),  # there is  actually no need for combining a single model
        ("forall", [float, ("within", (0.0, 1.0))]),
        lambda x: abs(sum(x_i for x_i in x) - 1.0) < 1e-6,  # has to sum to 1

[docs] @configure_torch_module class StaticAlphaCombine(CombineSimilaritiesModule): """ Weight two or more similarity matrices using constant (float) values for alpha. Params ------ alpha (list[float]): A list containing the constant weights for the different similarities. The weights should be probabilities and therefore sum to one and lie within [0..1]. """ def __init__(self, config: Config, path: NodePath): super().__init__(config, path) self.validate_params(static_alpha_validation) alpha = t.tensor(self.params["alpha"], dtype=self.precision).reshape(-1) self.register_buffer("alpha_const", alpha) self.len_alpha: int = len(alpha) if not t.allclose(a_sum := t.sum(t.abs(alpha)), t.tensor(1.0)): # pragma: no cover # redundant raise ValueError(f"alpha should sum to 1.0, but got {a_sum:.8f}")
[docs] def forward(self, *tensors, **_kwargs) -> t.Tensor: """Given alpha from the configuration file and args of the same length, multiply each alpha with each matrix and compute the sum. Args: tensors (tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]): A number of similarity tensors. Should have the same length as `alpha`. All the tensors should have the same size. Returns: The weighted similarity matrix as FloatTensor. Raises: ValueError: If the ``tensors`` argument has the wrong shape TypeError: If the ``tensors`` argument contains an object that is not a `torch.tensor`. """ if not isinstance(tensors, tuple): raise NotImplementedError( f"Unknown type for tensors, expected tuple of torch.Tensor but got {type(tensors)}" ) if any(not isinstance(tensor, t.Tensor) for tensor in tensors): raise TypeError("All the values in args should be tensors.") if len(tensors) > 1 and any(tensor.shape != tensors[0].shape for tensor in tensors): raise ValueError("The shapes of every tensor should match.") if len(tensors) == 1 and self.len_alpha != 1: # given a single already stacked tensor or a single valued alpha tensors = tensors[0] else: tensors = t.stack(tensors) if self.len_alpha != 1 and len(tensors) != self.len_alpha: raise ValueError( f"The length of the tensors {len(tensors)} should equal the length of alpha {self.len_alpha}" ) return self.softmax(t.tensordot(self.alpha_const, tensors.float(), dims=1))
[docs] def terminate(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover del self.alpha, self.alpha_const, self.len_alpha