Implementation of modules that use dynamic weights to combine multiple similarities.
import torch as t
from torch import nn
from dgs.models.combine.combine import CombineSimilaritiesModule
from dgs.models.loader import module_loader
from dgs.utils.state import State
from dgs.utils.torchtools import configure_torch_module
from dgs.utils.types import Config, NodePath, Validations
alpha_combine_validation: Validations = {}
dynamic_alpha_validation: Validations = {
"alpha_modules": ["NodePaths", ("longer eq", 1)],
class DynamicAlphaCombine(CombineSimilaritiesModule):
r"""Use inputs and multiple alpha modules to weight the similarity matrices.
The models for computing the per-similarity alpha has to be set manually after the initialization.
Given ``N`` inputs to the alpha module (e.g. the visual embeddings of ``N`` images,
or ``N`` different sized inputs like the bbox, pose, and visual embedding of a single crop),
compute the alpha weights for the similarity matrices.
Then use :math:`\alpha_i` to compute the weighted sum of all the similarity matrices :math:`S_i`
as :math:`S = \sum_N \alpha_i \cdot S_i`.
Every :math:`\alpha_i` can either be a single float value in range :math:`[0, 1]` or
a (float-) tensor of the same shape as :math:`S_i` again with values in :math:`[0,1]`.
alpha_modules (list[NodePath]):
A list containing paths to multiple :class:`BaseAlphaModule` s.
Optional Params
alpha_models: nn.ModuleList
"""The model that computes the alpha values from given inputs."""
def __init__(self, config: Config, path: NodePath) -> None:
super().__init__(config, path)
self.alpha_models = nn.ModuleList(
[module_loader(config=config, module_type="alpha", key=path) for path in self.params["alpha_modules"]]
def forward(
*tensors: t.Tensor,
s: State = None,
) -> t.Tensor:
r"""The forward call of this module combines an arbitrary number of similarity matrices
using an importance weight :math:`\alpha`.
:math:`\alpha_i` describes how important the similarity :math:`s_i` is.
The sum of all :math:`\alpha_i` should be 1 by definition given the last layer is a softmax layer.
:math:`\alpha` is computed using the respective :class:`BaseAlphaModule` and the given :class:`State`.
All tensors should be on the same device and should have the same shape.
tensors: A tuple of tensors describing similarities between the detections and tracks.
All ``S`` similarity matrices of this iterable should have values in range ``[0,1]``,
be of the same shape ``[D x T]``, and be on the same device.
If ``tensors`` is a single tensor, it should have the shape ``[S x D x T]``.
``S`` can be any number of similarity matrices greater than 0,
even though only values greater than 1 really make sense.
s: A :class:`State` containing the batched input data for the alpha models.
The state should be on the same device as ``tensors``.
torch.Tensor: The weighted similarity matrix as tensor of shape ``[D x T]``.
ValueError: If alpha or the matrices have invalid shapes.
RuntimeError: If one of the tensors is not on the correct device.
TypeError: If one of the tensors or one of the alpha inputs is not of type class:`torch.Tensor`.
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# validate tensors
if not isinstance(tensors, tuple): # pragma: no cover # redundancy
raise TypeError("tensors should be a tuple containing (float) tensors.")
if any(not isinstance(tensor, t.Tensor) for tensor in tensors):
raise TypeError("All similarity matrices should be (float) tensors.")
if any(tensor.shape != tensors[0].shape for tensor in tensors):
raise ValueError("All similarity matrices should have the same shape.")
if any(tensor.device != tensors[0].device for tensor in tensors):
raise RuntimeError("All tensors should be on the same device.")
if len(self.alpha_models) != len(tensors):
raise ValueError(
f"There should be as many alpha models {len(self.alpha_models)} as tensors {len(tensors)}."
# force tensors to be shape [S x D x T]
if len(tensors) == 1:
tensors = tensors[0]
tensors = t.stack(tensors, dim=-3)
if tensors.ndim != 3:
raise ValueError(f"Expected a 3D tensor [S x D x T], but got a tensor with shape {tensors.shape}")
S = tensors.size(-3)
# validate alpha inputs
if s is None:
raise ValueError("The state should be given.")
if not isinstance(s, State):
raise TypeError(f"s should be a State. Got: {s}")
if s.device != tensors.device:
raise RuntimeError("s should be on the same device as tensors.")
if tensors.size(-2) != s.B:
raise ValueError(f"The states batch size ({s.B}) should equal D of tensors ({tensors.size(-2)}).")
# [D x S] with softmax over S dimension
alpha = nn.functional.softmax(t.cat([self.alpha_models[i].forward(s) for i in range(S)], dim=1), dim=-1)
# [S x D x 1] hadamard [S x D x T] -> [S x D x T] -> sum over all S => [D x T]
return t.mul(alpha.T.unsqueeze(-1), tensors).sum(dim=0)
def terminate(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover
if hasattr(self, "alpha_models"):
del self.alpha_models
class AlphaCombine(CombineSimilaritiesModule):
r"""Compute a weighted sum of multiple given similarity matrices and given alpha weights.
More precisely, given a similarity matrix / tensor with shape ``[N x T]``,
and one alpha value per similarity, compute the weighted sum of all the similarity matrices.
The module will make sure, that :math:`\sum_N \alpha_i = 1`.
Optional Params
def __init__(self, config: Config, path: NodePath) -> None:
super().__init__(config, path)
def forward(self, *tensors: t.Tensor, alpha: t.Tensor = None, **_kwargs) -> t.Tensor:
r"""The forward call of this module combines an arbitrary number of similarity matrices
using an importance weight :math:`\alpha`.
tensors: ``N`` similarity matrices as a tuple of tensors.
All tensors should have values in range ``[0,1]``, be of the same shape ``[D x T]``,
and be on the same device.
alpha: A tensor containing weights in range ``[0,1]``.
Alpha can have one of the following shapes: ``[N]`` or ``[N x D]``.
The alpha tensor should be on the same device as the other tensors.
torch.Tensor: The weighted similarity matrix.
ValueError: If alpha or the matrices have invalid shapes.
RuntimeError: If the tensors are not on the same device.
TypeError: If one of the tensors or alpha is not of type class:`torch.Tensor`.
# test tensors
if not isinstance(tensors, tuple):
raise TypeError(f"tensors should be a tuple containing (float) tensors, got {type(tensors)}.")
if any(not isinstance(tensor, t.Tensor) for tensor in tensors):
raise TypeError("All similarity matrices should be (float) tensors.")
if any(tensor.device != tensors[0].device for tensor in tensors):
raise RuntimeError("All tensors should be on the same device.")
tensors = t.stack(tensors) # [N x D x T]
# test alpha
if alpha is None:
raise ValueError("Alpha should be given.")
if not isinstance(alpha, t.Tensor):
raise TypeError("alpha should be a (float) tensor.")
# test combined
if len(alpha) != len(tensors):
raise ValueError(f"Alpha {len(alpha)} should have the same length as the tensors {len(tensors)}.")
if alpha.device != tensors.device:
raise RuntimeError("alpha should be on the same device as the tensors.")
if alpha.ndim == 2 and alpha.shape[-1] != tensors.shape[-2]:
raise ValueError(f"alpha should have shape [N x D], but got {alpha.shape}")
if alpha.ndim == 3 and (alpha.shape[-2] != tensors.shape[-2] or alpha.shape[-1] != tensors.shape[-1]):
raise ValueError(f"alpha should have shape [N x D x T], but got {alpha.shape}")
if alpha.ndim == 1:
s = t.tensordot(alpha, tensors, dims=([0], [0])) # [N] dot [N x D x T] -> [D x T]
# fixme add dims for [NxD] and [NxDxT]
raise NotImplementedError("Alpha with shape [N x D] or [N x D x T] is not yet implemented.")
return self.softmax(s)