Source code for dgs.models.alpha.combined

An alpha module combining other alpha modules.

import torch as t

from dgs.models.alpha.alpha import BaseAlphaModule
from dgs.models.loader import module_loader
from dgs.utils.config import insert_into_config
from dgs.utils.state import get_ds_data_getter, State
from dgs.utils.types import Config, DataGetter, NodePath, Validations

sequential_combined_validations: Validations = {
    "paths": [list, ("longer eq", 1), ("forall", ("any", [str, dict, ("all", [list, ("forall", str)])]))],
    "name": [str],
    # optional

[docs] class SequentialCombinedAlpha(BaseAlphaModule): """An alpha module sequentially combining multiple other :class:`BaseAlphaModule` s. First load the data from the :class:`State` using `name`. Then insert the resulting :class:`.Tensor` into the forward call of the respective next model. Params ------ paths (list[str, NodePath]): A list containing either :class:`NodePath` s pointing to the configuration of a :class:`~BaseAlphaModule` or the name of a function from `torch.nn` (e.g. 'Flatten', 'ReLU', ...). All submodules do not need to have the "name" property, because all other layers will use the result returned by the previous layer. name (str): The name of the attribute or getter function used to retrieve the input data from the state. Optional Params --------------- """ model: t.nn.Sequential
[docs] def __init__(self, config: Config, path: NodePath): super().__init__(config=config, path=path) self.validate_params(sequential_combined_validations) self.data_getter: DataGetter = get_ds_data_getter(self.params["name"]) # get all modules modules: list[BaseAlphaModule] = [] for sub_path in self.params["paths"]: if isinstance(sub_path, list): # set name of all the submodules to empty string # can be done for the first module too, because the data_getter is already set new_cfg = insert_into_config(path=sub_path, value={"name": ""}, original=config, copy=True) modules.append(module_loader(config=new_cfg, module_type="alpha", key=sub_path)) elif isinstance(sub_path, str): try: modules.append(getattr(t.nn, sub_path)()) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError(f"Tried to load non-existent torch module '{sub_path}'.") from e elif isinstance(sub_path, dict): if len(sub_path) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Expected submodule config to be a single dict, got: {sub_path}") k, v = list(sub_path.keys())[0], list(sub_path.values())[0] if not isinstance(v, dict): raise NotImplementedError(f"Expected submodule parameters to be a dict, got: {v}") try: modules.append(getattr(t.nn, k)(**v)) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError(f"Tried to load non-existent torch module '{sub_path}'.") from e else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Expected list or str, got: {sub_path}") self.register_module(name="model", module=self.configure_torch_module(t.nn.Sequential(*modules))) self.load_weights()
[docs] def forward(self, s: State) -> t.Tensor: """Forward call for sequential model calls the next layer with the output of the previous layer. Works for :class:`BaseAlphaModule` s and any arbitrary model from `torch.nn`. """ inpt = self.get_data(s) for sub_models in self.model: inpt = sub_models(inpt) return inpt
[docs] def get_data(self, s: State) -> tuple[any, ...]: return self.data_getter(s)